Gender Affirming Care Letters

Available Online
Across CA, FL, NV, & VA.

Helping people achieve the life they want to live by providing affirming access to care.

You have every right to a beautiful life

At Grey Insight, we offer letter-writing services for our Transgender & Gender Diverse community. This service can be a standalone service or part of your care throughout your time as a patient.

You’re ready to:

  • Step into your transition with support.

  • Access Gender-Affirming Care without barriers.

  • Navigate the complexities of transitioning.

  • Manage the emotional and psychological aspects of transitioning.

  • Live authentically.

  • Move on to the next phase of your transition.

Affirming Care is Available Online.

How it works:

Unfortunately, insurance runs the world, and for you to get services covered, they require some documentation. Unfortunately, it’s an archaic practice but a game everybody must play.

In an assessment, about 45-90 minutes long, I will ask some questions that the insurance company requires so that the letter can be written to appease their anxiety. This letter has nothing to do with you; it is more of a way to prevent you from living the life you want.

The document will be typed up at the end of the assessment, and a copy can be emailed to you immediately. Also, a “wet signature” may be required, which can be mailed to you within 24 Business Hours.

Plus, you’ll be doing this work with someone who understands where you are coming from.